Fathering Our Future is the podcast for dads who are dedicated to embracing this God-given identity and fulfilling the mission of fatherhood. We explore fatherhood from a biblical perspective focusing on identity, relationships, and mission. You’ll get scriptural guidance and wisdom that will help you as a dad. You’ll also get to hear from other dads and special guests on. topics you care about.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
What Dads Are Supposed To Be Doing
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Do you want to be a good dad? I know the default desire is for us to pursue being a good dad. However, the more I reflect on fatherhood and the Scriptures, the more I am convinced that trying to be a good dad is the wrong goal.
My great-uncle used to regular state this simple expression, "I think I could get more done, if I knew what I was supposed to be doing." Seems obvious and common sense, yet those are usually the things we do worst at. We all want to be better dads, but do we know what we are supposed to be doing as dads?
As Christian dads our mission is to equip and disciple our children to be a part of God's mission in a greater capacity than ourselves. How do we accomplish that? Do we mandate what our children do? Do we tell our kids to do all the right things we do not do ourselves? I am going to share how we go about fulfilling this mission and what we should focus on.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Interview with Kathy Hatton | A Dad’s Worth To His Daughter
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Even as a young dad I have wondered if I have made a lasting impression on my children. All of us as dads have a desire for our children to remember us and cherish us when our life comes to an end. Today, I am joined by my friend, Kathy Hatton, who lost her father in 2020. Her perspective and story allows us to see just how important we as dads are to our daughters.
As you listen to Kathy talk about her dad, I want you to realize that if you have made mistakes, your daughter still wants you in her life. If you have contemplated whether or not you are good for your daughter, you are. If you died tomorrow, would your daughter care? She absolutely would.
Allow this interview to remind you of your value as a dad.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Interview with Dr. Eugene Wilson | Growing In Our Leadership As Dads
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
As fathers we are leaders but in a world with hundreds of definitions regarding what a leader is, how should we think of our leadership? Dr. Eugene Wilson, author, minister, and leadership guru enters the conversation today to help us understand our leadership as dads. He provides a definition of leadership that is applicable to our mission as dads and lays out practical steps for us to grow as leaders.
In addition to our development, Dr. Wilson teaches us ways we can work with our children to help them develop into leaders. Everyone at some point will find themselves in a position of leadership and influence, so as dads, we should make a point to train and develop our children for that time. While Eugene, like the rest of us, is not the perfect dad, you’ll see how his Biblical approach to fatherhood has produced fruit and leadership qualities in his children.
Dr. Eugene Wilson is an author, speaker, consultant, and coach who serves as president of Texas Bible College and as an executive pastor. He is the founder of Equipping Leaders, a coaching, consulting, and learning organization. He has a doctorate in strategic leadership from Regent University and over thirty years of pastoral experience. He and his wife, Kerri, have two children. He has published several books on leadership which are linked below:
Realign: God-called Leaders and Their Purpose - https://amzn.to/3ofQxK1
The Spiritually Healthy Leader - https://amzn.to/3OduXk7
Rhythm: Getting Things Done When You Have Too Much to Do - https://amzn.to/3OhetaI
Leading Growth - https://amzn.to/42TiXbA
Seventy: Everyone Needs A Team - https://amzn.to/3BycGGI
The Difference Maker: Seven Principles for Achieving Success in Ministry - https://amzn.to/434qlRg
Rodentivity: Breaking the Cycle of Busyness - https://amzn.to/3IjlBj3
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday May 29, 2023
Interview with Michael Mettlen | Serving Your Country And Being Dad
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
On Memorial Day we give honor to those who have fought and fallen for our country. We also give honor to the families who live on without that mom or dad, son or daughter. We appreciate your service.
Those who choose to serve the United States of America choose to sacrifice a lot. Some are willing to face combat and even give their lives for our liberties. For men serving in such a great capacity it can be difficult for them to also serve as dads. Today, I am joined by Michael Mettlen, a former soldier in the United States' Army.
Mike was confronted with a harsh reality when returning home from a deployment. His wife asked their daughter, "Where's daddy?" and their daughter ran away from him and pointed to a picture of him on the wall. This was a wakeup call that prompted Mike to not just be a picture on the wall but to be an intentional father.
Mike shares his experiences and his struggles of trying to be a dad while simultaneously serving his country. His story provides insight for those of us who have never served to help us better appreciate the sacrifice of those who choose to serve. It also provides wisdom to those currently serving on how they can be better dads everyday.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday May 22, 2023
Participation Trophies - Are They Ruining Our Children?
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
When people talk about the decaying of our society and the weakening of our children, you'll hear some bring up participation trophies. Somehow participation trophies have become a hot topic and a debate in our generation. There are even lawmakers who are setting out to eliminate participation trophies for children in their state.
I could understand this if participation trophies were inherently evil but they are not. They are typically really cheap and poorly made paper weights with misspelled words on them. Somehow people are convinced that these inanimate objects are the culprits weakening our children.
I want to expose this debate as meaningless today and shift the attention to the real issue. I want dads to realize that they are more powerful than a cheap piece of plastic. I want fathers to understand the power of their voice and influence. Dads, we need to understand that participation trophies do not shape the perspectives of our children. We do.
Monday May 15, 2023
Taking Care of Mom | Four Ways a Husband Can Serve His Wife
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
We think we are married to incredible women and then we see them evolve into mothers. In an instant, they've transformed into something even more beautiful and amazing than before. Moms are remarkable. They work, they keep the house more than we probably do, they constantly tend to the kids, they put up with us, and they help us become better dads. Considering all moms do, they probably need more than one special day a year.
God intended for us, husbands, to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. Jesus was the suffering servant who gave because He loved. We are called to love and serve our wives. However, you might not know what that looks like.
In this week's episodes I share four ways we can better serve our wives. Trust me, these are great because I got them from my wife and of course, she's never wrong.
I'll talk about the importance of communication and how that opens the door for the other three ways we can serve our wives: acknowledgment, proactive assistance, and rest.
Be sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ for more content and considering supporting this effort by visiting: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday May 08, 2023
Interview with Dr. Scott Grant | A Pediatrician’s Perspective On Fatherhood
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
One of the greatest concerns we have as dads is the health and safety of our children. Kids get sick and we stress over what to do to make sure they recover because we just want to fix the problem. While we do not always know what to do, thankfully there are people who devote their lives to the health of children.
My guest today is Dr. Scott Grant, husband, father of three, and pediatrician. Dr. Scott also hosts the podcast Docs2Dads which focuses on helping dads find the joy in fatherhood and actively participate in the health and well-being of their kids, family, and community.
Today, Dr. Scott provides professional insight on topics such as crying babies, growing pains, and what type of vitamins children should take. In addition to this, he shares one of the greatest things we as dads can do to help with our children's health.
As dads we have an incredible opportunity to positively influence our children's lives and Dr. Scott shares his perspective as a pediatrician on how we can do that.
Monday May 01, 2023
Expectations of Time
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Time is so often enemy number one for many of us. We have so much to do and not enough time to do it in. The only way we feel we can accomplish anything or make progress in life is to constantly be in a hurry. We rush through life and lie to ourselves by calling it efficiency.
Our kids do not function that way. Their life is not as demanding as ours, and honestly, our lives are not as demanding as we think they are. We see time fading while they see time coming at them with opportunity.
If we are going to be in a state where we can guide our children with love, compassion, and joy, we have to stop living in a rush. We need to refine and adjust our expectations of time.
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Interview with Draylin Young | Changing ”Your” Dream Into ”Our” Dream
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
The sensational Christian/Gospel artist, Draylin Young, joins me to talk about life as a husband and as a father while pursuing what he is passionate about. All of us have our personal dreams and ambitions in life but Draylin talks about how his personal dreams were never exclusive to him alone. Hear how he has successfully thrived in what he loves doing while including his family in the process. Be sure to check out @draylinyoungmusic to learn more about today's guest!
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Don’t Wait To Make Your Tribute
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
We were created by God to exist and thrive in community. We all have friends that we do life with but we do not always let them know how important they are to us or how much we admire them. Sadly, we have become so accustomed to saving those words for funerals. Stop waiting and start telling your friends, your community, how you feel about them.