Fathering Our Future is the podcast for dads who are dedicated to embracing this God-given identity and fulfilling the mission of fatherhood. We explore fatherhood from a biblical perspective focusing on identity, relationships, and mission. You’ll get scriptural guidance and wisdom that will help you as a dad. You’ll also get to hear from other dads and special guests on. topics you care about.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
You’re The Dad, Your Kids Are Not | Lesson Learned From Failure
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
As fathers, we all experience numerous challenges and setbacks, but it's crucial to understand that failures should not discourage us; rather, they serve as valuable sources of wisdom. When we stumble, we should reflect, learn from our mistakes, and continue with a mindful approach, incorporating newfound insights.
Recently, I had an enlightening experience that helped me apply wisdom learned from a past failure. While working on a project for the kids outside, I asked for my son's assistance in looking after his younger sister. However, my expectations were not met, resulting in a minor disaster that I had to deal with. In that moment, I had a choice as a father: I could have blamed my son for not following my instructions, or I could have recognized that he is just a child and that I am ultimately responsible for his sister's well-being.
I want to inspire you to embrace your identity and responsibility as a dad. Take ownership of your actions, even in times when you may fall short, and strive to become a person who grows and positively influences your children.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Interview with Rod Richard | The Call of Fatherhood
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This week I am collaborating with Rod Richard of 4 Fit Fatherhood. Rod is a girl dad who has been passionate about fatherhood from the start. We talk about his start as a dad and what prompted him to start a podcast aimed at helping other dads by involving them in dad conversations. We also dabble into the topic of social media and when is a good time for our kids to have phones of their own.
If you’d like to learn more about Rod and what he is doing, check out the links below.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Aug 14, 2023
9 Things We Should Never Say At Mealtime - I Think Not
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
I stumbled across an article a while back that addressed 9 things we should never say to our children at mealtime. The premise of the article was that we can create bad impression about food and diets by speaking up about particular things when we are at the table with our kids. For example, telling our kids that they need to finish their broccoli before they can have dessert is apparently a bad idea because our kids' bodies might not want broccoli.
As dads, we are leaders in the home. We are there to serve our children and we cannot do that by disengaging from their lives and not giving the the guidance and direction they need. There are some that would like to encourage us to lose our parental authority but if we want our kids to have an advantage as they mature, we must use our wisdom and authority to make that possible.
Join me as I go through the list of what we should supposedly never say and provide my opinion on these points. There might be a couple of points worth taking away from the article but there might be a lot of ridiculous examples that make you shake your head. Let's have some fun.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Principles Always Prevail | Overcoming Chaos & Unfulfillment
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Are you feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied with your life? Many fathers today can relate to these sentiments, and it's completely understandable. However, it's important to remember that chaos and unfulfillment don't have to be permanent.
As a dad, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you no longer have time to focus on personal growth and improvement. But being a dad should not be seen as an excuse; in fact, it should be a driving force to strive for personal excellence. The key lies in establishing and living by a set of principles that guide your life.
In this episode, I want to emphasize the transformative power of living a principled life. By consciously adopting and adhering to principles, you can effectively combat and eventually overcome the chaos and unfulfillment you may be experiencing. No matter what challenges you face, dedicating yourself to living each day in alignment with your principles will pave the way for personal growth, continual improvement, and eventual success.
Remember, chaos and unfulfillment are not permanent states. By prioritizing personal development and embracing a principled approach to life, you can regain control and find fulfillment. So, let's dive deeper into the importance of principles and how they can help you navigate the complexities of fatherhood and achieve a more meaningful and satisfying life.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
We often try to plan for the worst even though we never expect it to happen, but sometimes it does. My friend, Darren Gilbert, a pastor in Denison, TX, joins me to talk about the struggles he and his family endured. As he and his wife were stepping into the pastoral role, his wife was diagnosed with Leukemia.
In addition to dealing with his personal life and his family, Darren still had to lead his church. He discusses how he managed to do that and how he received council and support from his community.
The journey was not easy but God was and is faithful.
Darren recommended the People Fuel in this episode: https://amzn.to/3Wo1SV5
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
We often try to plan for the worst even though we never expect it to happen, but sometimes it does. My friend, Darren Gilbert, a pastor in Denison, TX, joins me to talk about the struggles he and his family endured. As he and his wife were stepping into the pastoral role, his wife was diagnosed with Leukemia.
This battle with cancer put a lot of responsibility on him that was once shared between he and his wife. Darren opens up to talk about the stress and struggles that came with this journey and how he and his family made it through.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Interview with Mark Condon | Raising Our Sons To Be Men
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
As dads we pay extra attention to our sons. We are passionate about them and how they grow up. We know that they will become men, husbands, and dads, and we want them to be great. Raising sons is a task that we do not take lightly but it is a task where we can be a little too harsh.
Mark Condon, pastor of Infinite Church, joins me to talk about raising sons. Mark has raised three sons who have grown up, started families of their own, and remain faithful Christians. He shares his reflections on his approach with his boys, what he would have changed, and how he related to them to be the dad they needed.
If you have sons and you care about bringing them up the best you can, you'll gain a lot of wisdom from Mark that will help you on your fatherhood journey.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Interview with Cedric Austin | Overcoming Fatherlessness
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Fatherlessness plagues our society. The lack of dads in the home has a plethora of negative implications on children which stay with them as they grow into adults. Men who become dads, that grew up without a dad themselves, struggle with thoughts of acceptance, belonging, value, and ability when it comes to being a dad.
Cedric Austin, a minister, husband, and dad who grew up without a dad, joins me to talk about his journey to overcoming fatherlessness. He has a remarkable story of reuniting with his dad for the first time but he was still left with a number of unanswered questions. Cedric gives great advice on how men who grew up without dads can start the journey to overcoming the negative impacts of fatherlessness.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Interview with Adam King | Strengthen Your Marriage, Strengthen Your Family
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Everyone knows marriage takes work. What everyone might not know is that the work we put into our marriage manifests itself in our family. As we grow and become better husbands, we ultimately become better dads. As we strengthen our marriage we strengthen our family because our marriage becomes a beacon to our children of one of the greatest components of life, relationship.
I'm joined today by Adam King of Dear Young Married Couple and we discuss a primary hurdle we face within marriage, ourselves. It can be very easy for us to point the finger and accuse our spouse, but the reality is there is a lot within ourselves that we have not been brave enough to deal with. Fortunately, Adam points out an incredible gift God has given us that allows us to grow individually and as a union with our wife, curiosity.
If you are interested in starting down the path of curiosity after this episode, here is the resource offered by Dear Young Married Couple to help you: https://dear-young-married-couple.mykajabi.com/honestletter
Episode book recommendation: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. van der Kolk
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Fatherhood Is Not Easy, It Is Worth It
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
You've heard it said that anything worth doing is challenging, and fatherhood certainly falls into that category. Being the dad our children need us to be requires a lot more than simply waking up in the morning and going about our day. We have to be intentional and work at building relationships with our children so that we can understand their needs.
As we aim to be the dads our children need, we find ourselves faced with a couple of obstacles. Firstly, this goal requires us to grow and become something that we may not currently be. Secondly, being the dad our children need is not always the same as being the dad our children may want.
Even though this pursuit comes with its difficulties, the impact of our effort is immense. What we build and establish with our children influences the lives of those with whom our kids connect. We may never fully realize the scope of that impact, but it makes this journey called fatherhood so worth it.
For more content make sure to check out https://fatheringourfuture.com/ and if you'd like to support this effort visit: https://fatheringourfuture.com/support/